Provided by Surety Mexico


Guarantees the payment of credit operations derived from the purchase and sale of goods and services of a commercial nature.

The credit bond guarantees the payment of credit operations arising from transactions of sale and purchase of goods and services of a mercantile nature, to moral persons other than financial institutions, and must be issued in accordance with the specific rules established by the Ministry of Finance and Credit. Public [SHCP].

Payment of supply

The supply bond guarantee the payment of the products or goods supplied by a company [creditor] to another person [debtor], up to the amount equivalent to the credit-supply line determined by the creditor to the debtor, expressed in the contract celebrated between both.

  • PEMEX PAYMENT OF SUPPLY - Guarantees in favor of the different areas of Petroleos Mexicanos [PEMEX] the payment for the supply of the various products, as: Lubricants, Oils, Gasoline and Diesel [Distributors and Gas Stations] Natural Gas and LP Gas, Asphalt and Fuel.

  • CFE SUPPLY - Guarantees in favor of the Federal Electricity Commission [CFE] the payment for the electric power supply that it provides to legal entity.

  • ASA SUPPLY - Guarantees in favor of Airports and Auxiliary Services [ASA], the timely payment for goods and / or services provided to, both Domestic and Foreign Airlines.


The purchase-sale bond guarantees to the creditor, the payment as agreed and expressed in the Contract entered between the seller [creditor] and the buyer [debtor], both must be constituted as a corporate entity [Company].

  • GOODS OR SERVICES - Guarantees before the creditor of the Purchase-Sale contract, the timely payment of the goods or services acquired in accordance with the agreement between the seller [creditor and the buyer [debtor], both of which must be constituted as a legal entity [Company].

  • COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION - Guarantees the payment of property acquired in accordance with the provisions of the commercial distribution agreement entered into between the buyer [debtor] and the seller [creditor], both of which must be constituted as legal entity [Company].

Your team

Head office

Avenida Paseo de la Reforma Número 505, Piso 42, Suite G.
Torre Mayor
Colonia Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06500
Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México

Francisco Barajas Aguilera

CEO Surety México

Irma Raya Beltrán

T&O Surety México