Wednesday 28 July 2021 - Thought Leadership

Our Guide to Understanding BFSC and LOSC

By Fran Rodger

There’s no denying that one of the most commonly debated subjects in the field of Liability insurance is the status of subcontractors: those who are engaged by a policyholder to perform work on its behalf. Policyholders may choose to use subcontractors for a variety of reasons, such as when tasks require specialist skills or during periods of increased activity when the policyholder requires additional resource to deal with the extra workload.

Trade Credit

Regardless of why a policyholder might utilise subcontractors, one of the key factors surrounding subcontractors and liability is their legal status. With this in mind, our Liability underwriting experts have created an interactive guide that explains the difference between labour only subcontractors (LOSC) and bona fide subcontractors (BFSC), outlining how the two are classified and how their status impacts a policyholder’s Liability cover.

If you are interested in learning more about Liability insurance, we have an interactive guide on how to deal with contracts, which can be viewed below. 


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To learn more about our Liability insurance policies, you can explore our range of products here.

Contact details

Fran Rodger

Liability Underwriting Manager